
NEWSLETTER #16 - Have you been in bed with a mosquito? 50 000 screws?

PASSION and Sustainable Ag All farmers and graziers understand that consumers expect us to be doing the right thing ...


"Jack of All Trades" Another busy 2 months have passed by since our last newsletter.  Each day the first job for the ...

Newsletter #14 - Half the year in the rearview mirror

The old saying "time flies when you are having fun" is very real in our world. Lucky we love what we do. 

Four Daughters ABC Interview: Shifting Cultures | From paddock to plate

Beef production and cattle droving has been one of Australia's main agricultural industries since the mid C19th, and ...

Newsletter #13 - Out and about, and here on the farm.

Along with making sure our cattle are healthy and fed we were excited to tick a number of other jobs off the farm "To Do" list! This has been made easier  having all 4 girls home as it has allowed for larger projects to finally be completed.  Over the last month, or so, we have put shade up over the cattle yards at ‘Mamaree’, weaned calves off our cows at ‘Woodlawn’ and finally finished our new fencing at ‘Mamaree’ (3 of the 4 sides were done and it seems to have taken us along time to get back to the final side!). A fantastic effort that this project is now complete.

Bonnie Penfold: Passionate advocate for the agriculture industry

Get to know our daughter, Bonnie Penfold. Bonnie is connecting with her community to engage in positive, producti...

Four Daughters Capability Statement

Four Daughters is owned and operated by third generation graziers Dan & Karen Penfold, along with their four daughters, Bonnie, Molly, Jemima and Matilda.

NEWSLETTER #12 - Back on weather watch, why we finish our beef on grain and MLA, what do they offer the consumer?

BACK ON WEATHER WATCH and WHY WE FINISH OUR BEEF ON GRAIN! and Meat and Livestock Australia – (MLA) What do they offer the consumer?

The Australian - Four Daughters shine through China crisis

Read the full story in The Australia here.

The Weekly Times - Shine Youth Award Winners 2021

Shine Magazine -

Where to from here in 2022? Our customers will help us decide! Price increase ahead.

As with all businesses the goal is to make sure it is financially viable. We have maintained our price point for 2021...
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