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Newsletter #13 - Out and about, and here on the farm.

Happy last day of April! We've had a very busy few weeks out and about, and here on the farm.

Along with making sure our cattle are healthy and fed we were excited to tick a number of other jobs off the farm "To Do" list! This has been made easier  having all 4 girls home as it has allowed for larger projects to finally be completed. 

Over the last month, or so, we have put shade up over the cattle yards at ‘Mamaree’, weaned calves off our cows at ‘Woodlawn’ and finally finished our new fencing at ‘Mamaree’ (3 of the 4 sides were done and it seems to have taken us along time to get back to the final side!). A fantastic effort that this project is now complete.

Rain!!! We have had amazing rain. We are pleased to say that it wasn’t flooding rain, but just the right amount of rain. Our grass is abundant and our forage silage is tall, dense and nearly ready to cut for silage. 

Silage is one of our main inputs in our feed ration and it is also our drought strategy. When we have good seasons we need to ‘squirrel’ away, grow and store as much feed as we can.

We hope to cut approx 6000t to make sure we have fodder for the future. This is a big cost to us now, but we know by doing this we are ensuring the health and welfare of our animals in the future. We work hard to ensure the food supply keeps going and the sustainability of our family business remains solid. 

We have all experienced food shortages on our supermarket shelves. We understand how vital supply chains are for every person on this great earth of ours. We are doing our bit to keep food on the shelves and it starts by simply growing fodder now and storing feed for livestock and the future. Speaking of which, it's 2 weeks until our May Orders close, now it the time to secure your next beef box - CLICK HERE.


Four Daughters 'Shine' In Melbourne 

Since the last newsletter, the girls have continued to work hard and squeeze in some fun! 

As we write this newsletter we are currently in Melbourne, at the presentation of NewsCorp Australia and Harvey Norman Shine Awards where they ‘shine’ a spotlight on women in regional and rural Australia.  The girls have had a couple of stories published over the past 12 months in these papers and hence were nominated by readers as an inspirational stories.

After judging, they were named the winners of the Youth Category. It was an absolute honour for the girls to be representing the youth of regional and rural Australia and share stories with 5 other inspirational women from across Australia. We visited Cruden Farm and had the opportunity to appreciate the garden and history surrounding it. 

From the race track at Flinton, to the cattle yards at ‘Mamaree’, ‘Old Bombine’ and ‘Woodlawn’, to the football field playing for the Condamine Codettes, then off to Melbourne and the Shine Awards at Cruden Farm.. every day.. living their best life making city country connections. #CityCountryConnections

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