As Australian Beef producers, you can be assured quality knowing we have secure systems in place that guarantee the integrity of Australian beef.
The three central elements of the red meat integrity system are:
1. NLIS National Livestock Identification System,
2. LPA Livestock Production Assurance, and
3. LPA NVD Livestock Production Assurance National Vendor Declaration.
In addition to these nationwide systems, other individually audited accreditation and regulatory systems are embedded within our business to guarantee quality and that environmental and animal welfare credentials are met.
These include:
National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS), ensuring grain fed guarantee and animal welfare;
Aus-Meat manage the NFAS system and conduct external audits annually, ensuring that our feedlots are both NFAS compliant ensuring high levels of animal welfare;
Australian Livestock Processing Industry Animal Welfare Certification System (AAWCS), which is evident at the processor level;
The processor: NCMC, Est Number 239, which we are a member of and use to process our cattle, are accredited under this system, they manage the delivery of the first 3 programs above to ensure integrity, safety, and traceability systems;
Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS), which is an Australian Government system that ensures all exports conform to the four principles of Animal Welfare, control through the supply chain, Traceability through the supply chain, and independent auditing.

Meat & Livestock Australia
To ensure Australian Beef stays ahead of the rest, it is mandatory that beef producers contribute a levy for each animal sold to Meat and Livestock Australia. MLA uses these funds to:
- Engage in research and development;
- Market both domestic and export beef;
- Investigates market access and insights monitoring demand both in Australia and overseas;
- Manage the delivery of the first 3 above integrity, safety, and traceability systems;
- Internationally, MLA promotes and helps to grow the demand for Australian Beef using the “True Aussie” brand and trademark.

True Aussie Beef
'Four Daughters 150 Day Grain Fed Premium Black Angus’ is proud to hold a ‘True Aussie’ licence, ensuring our beef is exactly that, ‘True Aussie’ Beef.
MLA also promote the Meat Standards Australia (MSA) Grading system as the system is based on strong science and consumer testing to guarantee consistent eating quality. This is a paddock to plate grading system. Producers of MSA beef must be registered to be a part of this program.
“Our feedlots are both MSA registered. The beef we produce is graded MSA to ensure consistent eating quality each and every time. It allows us to gain feedback on the beef we produce to ensure this quality.” Karen Penfold
Meat Standards Australia have produced cut-by-cook combinations to help consumers understand the best cuts to use for different cooking styles.