Sensational Roast Rump Cap / Picanha


Preheat oven to 100C. Heat a large frypan over a medium-high heat. Score the fat on the rump cap. Season rump cap with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and rub over 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Place the meat fat-side down in the hot pan to brown, about 4-6 minutes. Turn meat over and brown the other side lightly, 3 minutes. Transfer to a baking tray on a trivet and cook 2-2.5 hours.

Now you can either cover lightly with foil and let rest on board 20-25 minutes or if you enjoy crispy flavoursome fat, turn the heat up to finish to a crisp golden colour.

Try this recipe for yourself with our beef!

You can find this cut in our Premium Beef Box. 

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