Personalised Shepherd’s Pies

Perfect for the family or lunches!

This a truly hearty meal that won’t leave your tastebuds unsatisfied, but it may leave you begging for another one!


  • 500g Four Daughters 150 Day Grain Fed Beef Mince
  • 2 White Onions
  • 4 Garlic Cloves
  • Whatever veggies you’ve got in your freezer! We’ve used:
    • Frozen Peas (1 ½ cups)
    • Mushrooms
    • Celery
    • Zucchini
  • 3 Tbsp Butter
  • 1 Cup Rosalie House Shiraz Viognier 2021 + the rest of the bottle to serve!
  • 2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Cup Beef Stock
  • 2 Tbsp Plain Flour
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 3 Bay Leaves
  • Grated Cheese
  • Parmesan Cheese


  • White Potatoes
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • Paprika
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Garlic Salt


  1. Open your Four Daughters Pink Beef Box to find a whole bunch of goodies. You’ll want to grab out one of the packets of the delicious Beef Mince. 
  2. Chop all your veggies up, I like to start with the onions so that I can get the crying over and done with! All the veggies you choose should be cut to a similar thickness so that you get a consistent texture, we’ve mostly diced everything. 
  3. Chop up the potatoes for the mash while you’ve got the chopping board out! I’ve left the skin on as I like to call this ‘rustic’ mash, but if this isn’t really your cup of tea, peel your potatoes before you chop them up! Set your potatoes aside, you’ll need them soon. 
  4. Heat up your pan with some butter, fry up the onions and garlic first. Once they start to smell delicious and everyone comes into the kitchen saying ‘that smells good -what are you making’ – take it off the heat and put aside.
  5. Heat up some more butter (delicious…) and add that delicious Four Daughters mince! While browning the mince, crack some salt and pepper over the mixture.   
  6. If you're good at multitasking, while the mince is browning, boil a pot of salted water. Once this has come to a boil, throw the potatoes you prepared earlier in. Let the potatoes boil for 15-20minutes. 
  7. Come back to the beloved mince, once brown, add your veggies in and stir.
  8. After a few minutes crack open the Rosella House Shiraz – pour yourself a glass.
  9. Now after a few sips, grab a cup and pour 1 cup of the wine into the mince and veggies. When adding the wine also add 1 cup of beef stock, worcestershire sauce and bay leaves. Pop a lid on and let it simmer (continue to drink wine as you patiently wait).
  10. After 8 - 10 minutes, stir the mixture and add flour over the top to thicken mixture
  11. Once the mixture is well combined, remove from the heat. Portion the mixture into individual ramekin dishes. Remove the bay leaves as you find them! 
  12. Take the potatoes off the boil, give them a poke to make sure they’re nice and soft, drain and pop into a bowl.
  13. Start mashing the potatoes (give them a good squishing). Add paprika, garlic salt, salt & pepper and butter. You will want the potatoes to be as smooth and creamy as you can. Once maximum smoothness has been achieved, top the ramekin dishes with the mash.  
  14. Sprinkle cheese and parmesan on top of mash. 
  15. Pop in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  16. Once slightly brown on top and all the cheese has melted ( perhaps you may be needing another bottle of Rosalie House wine), remove the pies from the oven and serve them up! 

Delicious, fresh and even better as leftovers. Enjoy, the beef, potato and cheese flavours will have you begging for more.

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