NEWSLETTER #9 -BEEF WEEK 2021, PESTS and how lucky are we to work and live in Queensland!

                                                April / May Newsletter
     BEEF WEEK 2021, PESTS and how lucky are we to work and live in Queensland!
Blue Skies, Green grass, BEEF WEEK 2021 and PESTS!!
We hope you have all been able to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. The weather has been absolutely spectacular and at the moment working daily outside on the land has been our treat. Blue skies, green grass and kind temperatures! It really is a spectacular time of the year!
We recently sent out 800 surveys and we received back 139 survey responses.
Of these 139 received, 95% shared that the box met or exceeded their expectations along with some great feedback and suggestions.
As it is taking the majority of customers 2 months to consume our Pink Beef Box and the logistics of delivering every month seems to come around very quickly, we are moving to delivering every 2nd month.
The box will now include 3 sausages and 3 mince - and have only 1 pack of gourmet sausages.
"Add ons" are still available, however these do sell quickly! The more boxes that are ordered, the more add ons we can have! If you would like an "add on" product and it is not available on the web page, please just put this in the notes of your order and we will back order if we process extras.
It is also great to see that nearly everyone is enjoying the “pick up” system and having a quick catch up with the family.
We also have the ability to deliver interstate to Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne! There is an extra charge for delivery however the rate is for 2 boxes so if you can can order with family or friends that will keep the cost down!  It is $25/order.

We are also happy to acknowledge areas to improve! The main negative, really the only negative, was the amount of fat in the beef. 

This is a challenge when the product is Black Angus and it has been grown for intramuscular fat - which is fat within the beef. This supports the flavour and tenderness however we have noted ourselves that sometimes the sausages seem fattier than others. 

We have talked to our butcher about this and we hope last months delivery saw the sausages less fatty and we will continue to monitor this on all cuts! Please provide feedback as this allows us to work with our butcher to ensure quality of product and quality of butchering.

We are hoping that we can maintain approx 180 -200 boxes every 2 months. To do this, we need your order!

Our next delivery has been moved to June 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of June then 2 months later in August 13th-16th.

Please order today at:

We may have to close orders off once we reach our limit so order up! This also helps us greatly to plan what to process each month.

See our recent Customer Experiences!
"Luv the enthusiasm of the girls and the meat is to die for."
"Haven’t had a chance to try the meat yet but the girls were lovely, very well organised and I found this pick up system very easy!"
“Lovely to meet 2 of the 4 daughters! Pickup location easy to find and great to have credit card facilities! Looking forward to trying your products."

This coming week Beef Australia will host Beef Week in Rockhampton. This event is held every three years and it showcases everything ‘beef’ – from livestock, to innovation, to cooking, to education! As a teacher myself I believe that is the most important part. We will be there for a week and the girls have a list of things they need to find out about so we are off on a mission!

As well as this, we are very proud to share that the girls are the official guest speakers at the NAB Sponsored Ladies Lunch which has pre-sold 500 tickets! They will be sharing their journey to date. We have always instilled in the girls that life is a journey and to enjoy the journey!

Bonnie is going to be talking about the development of our brand “Four Daughters” and our export journey, Matilda is sharing what working as a family means to us, Jemima will be talking about why the girls believe they are who they are and why they do what they do and finally Molly will be sharing about our domestic “Pink Beef Box” and where to from here! And we can tell you that is a very big question!! (with an unknown answer!)

I am sitting on 2 panels with the Queensland Rural, Regional and Remote Women’s Network Ladies in Beef. The first panel will be discussing a big topic called “Why girls don’t get the farm?” and the second panel is looking into start ups, technology and innovation. (Our Pink Beef Box!)

We are doing all we can to make it possible for our girls to remain on the land and we would like to think that regardless of gender, had we had both boys and girls, they would have been treated equally. Interestingly, the girls don’t even talk about being female. It is irrelevant to us. We have the next generation, who happen to be girls and who want to stay on the land and produce food. We know that we need people to stay on the land to produce food, so we feel we need to do all we can to help them remain here and that means building markets and building business! …(and working hard!! )
What is a pest? Maybe it is your little brother or sister, maybe it is the telephone marketing person who keeps calling back, maybe it is the barking dog next door! Well we can tell you that living on the land also comes with MANY pests!
Our pests are numerous and vary in size! Mice, feral pigs, cats, foxes, wild dogs, kangaroos….

This leads us to why these animals become pests. Due to the development of farming and grazing land and the increase of food and water sources for these animals, they breed to numbers which cause damage to crops, grasses, waters and stored feed such as hay and grain. For the majority of the time, we manage to live in relative harmony with minimal intervention however management of these animals does need to be a part of agriculture.

For the last 3 or 4 months the mice have grown to plague proportion. Last year, due to such a long period of dry, we had purchased hay all the way from Victoria. We also then cut some grass hay ourselves. (In relation to hay, there are many different types of hay used for different propose and a bit like “oils ain’t oils”, “hay ain’t hay”. - For the older generation who remember that add about oil!)

Sadly the mice have bred to extreme number and they get in everything – every tractor, ute, vehicle, and in every hay stack where they breed and eat the grain out of it. The hay then starts to disintegrate and turn into a big pile of useless nothing! We just watch our ‘money’ get eaten by vermon.  They eat the seed out of the grain as farmers drive large machines to plant wheat, barley and oat seed. The cost to agriculture is massive!  Obviously we use a bait to try to eliminate them but there are just too many to actually beat. We were all hoping the last rains would stop the breeding cycle but it seems it just drove them all into sheds, machines and houses so as we continue to now spend money on bait to try to stop them we wait for the winter to come and hopefully the cold will help us beat them and the breeding cycle will stop!
Last month we had a wonderful customer who purchased 4 Four Daughters Pink Beef Boxes to donate to Urban Angels at Nambour.
After speaking with them to arrange the collection, we too thought we would get on board and really bolster the "red meat / protein" portion for the meals ahead.
URBAN ANGELS is a community kitchen manned by volunteers who get together to create and distribute nutritious frozen meals for people who need support in this way. We salute all the volunteers and hope our little addition will add some variety to your offerings!
We also love the outdoors and being active, so we have also donated 10kg sausages to the Wynnum Manly Sailing Club (BTW.. they actually did want to 'pay' for these but we wanted to share!)
It is great to see people outdoors and being active, enjoying the fruits of their hard work. We really believe in reward for hard work. The reward in the bush is to go water skiing (when the dam has water) and spend time with family.
We hope by sharing our beef with other groups, they will share what we do and help us build city country connections.
If you know an organisation who would be interested in receiving 10kg of black angus sausages and are happy to help promote our facebook page and newsletters to help us build our city country connections, please email us on:
Thank you for all of your support throughout the year. By purchasing a Pink Beef Box you are supporting the next generation of food producers and helping us keep on sharing the story of food production in Queensland!

We also understand our offering is limited and doesn't suit everyone as we need to process all cuts to remain sustainable so have to offer a 'bulk' box. That is okay! Please just keep reading our news and sharing why we do what we do with others! We are passionate about building city country connections. 
Happy weekend to all.
Keep safe & well,
The Penfold Family
Dan, Karen, Bonnie, Molly, Jemima and Matilda
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