Feedlot industry celebrates it's night of nights - QCL Helen Walker 22 Aug 2021


About 260 guests were on hand to celebrate the feedlot industry's night of nights, the Women of Lot Feeding Beef Bling and Bow Tie Ball on Saturday evening.

The event was held at Clifford Park Racecourse where guests were treated to a race meeting, three course dinner and were then able to dance the night away with music provided by Preserve the Mouse.

Women in Lot Feeding or WOLF as many call it, was founded by the current president Amanda Moohen who has been in the industry for about 12 years.

Amanda told guests the group had it humble beginnings in the pub at Bowenville with Janeta Falknau, Georgie Sloss, and Rozzie O'Reilly, who she roped in.

Today its membership is Australia wide and is for women to connect within the industry at another level through networking and social events.


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