Penfold Family Ox Tail with Beer and BBQ Sauce

We the girls were growing up we used to say we need to breed cattle with 2 tails as 1 was never enough – it still isn’t today!

1.5kg ox tail or beef ribs (for our family we use 2 tails and 1 can of beer – double the rest of the ingredients!)

¾ cup beer

¾ cup BBQ Sauce

2 tablespoons of sweet chilli sauce

1 tablespoon honey

2 teaspoons jar garlic (or 2 cloves fresh garlic)

1 tablespoon of cornflour

 Onions and carrots too!

  1. Place ox tails or beef ribs in a slow cooker.
  2. Mix all the above in a bowl (adding cornflour last – whisk to dissolve)
  3. Roughly chop the carrots and onions and add to the tail.
  4. Tip the liquid over the tail and
  5. Leave to cook overnight or all day.
  6. Put in fridge to cool and remove all the fat as this will have set.
  7. Re heat and eat the next day. Delicious!!

 Serve with mash, crusty bread and greens. So simple, but you do need to have a day to leave this as the flavour only gets better.


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